The people who helped me through all of those troubled spots with their kind donations!

Neopets helped me by getting me all the NeoPoints I needed to get this company off the ground

This company is greatly helped by "MicroSoft PowerPoint". They did, with much of my assistance, the advertising for my products.

Software Multiverse
Uh... this site helped... I guess...

Luna`s Purrings
This site taught me everything I know about html! God bless their souls!
Unfortunately, it has been shut down, but I will still honor their existence

Calvin and Hobbes at Martijn's
Quite possibly the best Calvin & Hobbes site on the internet. This site kept worker morale at an all time high.
Sadly, this site, too, has been shut down.

Dynamic Drive
This is the site that found the ultra rad text that follows the mouse.

Zelda 64
This is the site that got me the music for my guest book. It's pretty cool.

This here is the infamous site that got me my guest book and counter!

Harvest Moon Farm
Our company requires much agriculture and family management. This site taught us both!

This site made sure that my anime latté was piping hot!

This site made sure that my workers understood the different dialects before traveling.

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