1023 inc. FAQS

How do you pronounce the company name?
The name of this company is pronounced ten-twenty-three ink. You can also say it as incorporated should the need arise.

Where are the branches of 1023 inc.?
The branches of 1023 inc. are located across the world (both real and fictional). Some of the main locales include Great Britain and Neopia.

Why did you make this FAQ page?
To answer frequently asked questions.

What is one plus one?
The answer is two. Not eleven as many people believe.

When, on average, does 1023 inc. make a new product?
As you may know, making a new product involves many long and painstaking weeks, or minutes if you have the initiative. So, in short, the answer is close to never, or whenever your lucky. Which begs for the allusion of, "you feeling lucky, punk?"

How are you today?
Simply slendid thank you!

How can I contact the CEO?
You can contact the CEO by following these easy steps:
1. Stare at your monitor and visualize this picture.

2. Place $50 or more into your floppy disk drive as an offering (the higher the amount, the higher the priority).
3. Yell whatever you want to tell the CEO into your microphone. Should you not have one, get one!
It's as easy as that. Expect a response at some point in this life or the next.

My Computer doesn't work!
Um... that's not exactly a question... NEXT!

Can you help me with the problem mentioned before?
Oh! Yes, of course. Now there are a multitude of likely problems. One might be mousepad compatibility issues. Check to make sure your mousepad is compatibile with your OS. If not, you might need to download some new drivers. If that doesn't work, contact the CEO for more information.

Does this company plan to make any real FAQs, any time soon?
Hmm... the magic 1023 ball says, "Ask again later". Oh well, maybe next time.

Who cares?
People other than yourself, obviously.

How much money does the CEO make in a year?
OH... where do we begin. I would say a little over a googol dollars monthly.

Does the CEO occasionally give one word answers?

Why do you celebrate 1023 day?
Because we can, and the CEO needs to give at least 3 days off to his workers a year. So aside from the CEO's birthday and Christmas, it is the only other day off we get.

When is 1023 day celebrated?
October 23

Why is 1023 day celebrated on October 23rd?
Well, October 23rd written numerically is 10/23. If you can't figure it out from there, then you're hopeless. I suggest maybe that you work for Omnipresent, Inc., they could use a worker like you.

What kind of events can be expected on a 1023 day?
Usually you will get some small things like new music or something like these FAQs, but the day after, you can certainly expect a new product!

What is the deal with your CEO? Does he have a god complex or something?
This question has been floating around for quite some time. To answer it, I will refer you to the Legal section of the site. One of the bullets will clarify everything.

The CEO sounds kind of cute. Can you give me any information about him?
Sure why not, I'm gonna be laid off tomorrow so it doesn't matter! The CEO's name is Jimbo Edwardo. Yes, he is a male and straight for all of you odd characters out there. In case you didn't realize, He's an 80s freak. He's the only person in this whole institution that uses the word 'gnarly' on a regular basis. His hobbies also include laying people off, drawing funny comics, and making aweful puns.

Why did you make a forum when only, on average, three people visit your site?
Because I can, dang it! Just to be ready for the off chance that my site might suddenly become overwhelmingly popular. When that happens, you'll see. Everybody will see! What, do you think I'm strange? You're the ones that are strange if you haven't signed up for the forum yet! Leave, now! You'll see... I'm not crazy! I'm the only one that's not crazy! Bwa-ha-ha-haaaaa!

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